Name of Inventor - 1
Address & Citizenship of Inventor - 1
Email id of Inventor - 1
Contact Number of Inventor - 1
Name of Inventor - 2
Address & Citizenship of Inventor - 2
Email id of Inventor - 2
Contact Number of Inventor - 2
Name of Inventor - 3
Address & Citizenship of Inventor - 3
Email id of Inventor - 3
Contact Number of Inventor - 3
If required add additional Inventor's details as above inventors
Name (Individual/Organization)
Address & Citizenship/Company Details Under Company's Act
Contact Number
Title Of Invention
If Invention is disclosed
If invention is disclosed to others/ displayed anywhere/
reported/ published / presented anywhere, If any please provider details:
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Is your invention available in public? YesNo If Yes, Please attach the document
Are there specific plans for its use in the near future? YesNo If Yes, Please attach the document
Have you done any previous search on the availability of your invention? YesNo If Yes, Please attach the document
Explain briefly
The specific Feature of your invention or
What particularly you want to protect
(Not more than 500 words)
Note: In Describing the technology, please provide when possible, information covering the following points and it should be written in the inventor's own words.
a) The general purpose and field:
b) A technical Description:
c) The advantages and improvements over the existing methods, devices or materials:
d) Use of your invention:
e) Material Used in Invention:
f) If possible provide Protocol/Flow Chart/Step by step process
or Upload file
g) Working Principle of invention (in detail):
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