Best Trademark Consultants

A lot of products available in the market are spurious. The people behind these rackets infringe on the trademarks of companies that offer better services and products. Products and services are sold as if they belong to a particular company. Hence it is always essential to use the services of Trademark Consultants in Bangalore and get a trademark to ensure that such cases can be handled legally.

Trademark Registration

Easy Steps to Register

Trademark Registration in Bangalore

Simple steps to help conduct business smoothly

When there is a legal registration with the help of Trademark Consultants in Bangalore, it is possible to initiate action as per law whenever an infringement is committed. The infringement does not only cause loss of income, it also results in the brand value getting reduced. A customer may buy a product thinking it  belong to a company A, but in reality it would not. It would belong to a different entity. If the product happens to be of a low quality, then it would bring a bad name to the original owner of the brand. But the public may not even be aware of it.


Reasons for register trademark


Trademark Registration

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Patent Registration

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Company Registration

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Design Registration

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Why use Trademark Consultants?

To avoid these problems it is necessary that company owners register trademarks and stay prepared. Applying for securing a trademark may appear to be an easy task going by what’s been said in the forums. But it needs to be understood that the trademark registration is a specialist’s job. It involves formalities that are best left to specialists to handle. As the whole process takes around 18 to 24 months, it would be a better idea to utilize the services of Trademark Consultants in Bangalore. An improperly presented application, if rejected, would result in a further delay.


Why Choose Us?

The job of a trademark consultant is to advise the client on matters of trademark and go about with the task of trademark registration. For example, when an application for trademark is filed under the provisions of the Trademark Act, 1999, the concerned jurisdictional office would ascertain if similar applications for registration of a trademark have been submitted earlier by any other entity. If the answer is yes, a procedure has to be followed.


Guidance for desired trademark

The job of Trademark Consultants would be to ensure that this possibility does not occur. We do this by researching in advance and advising the client on the need to go in for an alternative name or make suitable changes so as to make the application acceptable. This can only be done with the help of Trademark Consultants in Bangalore, making Le Intelligensia a natural choice.

Meet our trademark consultant now

Trademark Registration

Easy Steps to Register

Copyright Registration

Easy Steps to Register

Company Registration

Easy Steps to Register

Design Registration

Easy Steps to Register

MSME Registration

Easy Steps to Register

Patent Registration

Easy Steps to Register

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