private limited company registration

Three thoughts that come to our mind immediately when we decide to start a business are how to generate the Capital for the business, the nature of the Company to Register, and what business to choose. These are the top three questions that come to our minds when we decide to start our business. Once […]

This is a common suspicion that usually arises for business owners when they are ready to start a business. Here we have sorted out the major differences between the two entities.

Types of registration of a company. Private limited registration is a type where company ownership split into shares and shareholders.

Limited Liability Partnerships(LLP) Vs Private Limited Company (PLC) Awesome! You have a great plan for a startup, you’ve driven business, and have a team that backs you and are raring to go. But, wait! Have you thought about what type or category of company you fill the form? How many directors or partners? What amount […]

What is a Private Limited Company A Private Limited Company is a type of business entity that is held by a small group of people. The liability of the members of a Private Limited Company is limited to the number of shares respectively held by them. Private limited company registration is governed by the Companies […]

Once you had decided to start your own business, you need three things, Well worth Business Idea, Capital, and a Company. So if you had already chosen the best business Idea, not its time to decide on the Type of Company for your business.
Choosing the name of a company that is easy to remember, pronounce easy, register in mind, and short enough to communicate your company name to the customers.