trademark registration in bangalore

Importance and benefits of trademark registration

Most of us know the importance of trademark registration. It plays a significant role in promoting the products, as well as the quality of the product. A trademark ™ is a visual symbol that may consist of a word, signature, device, numeral, heading, label or a name that is written in a particular style in […]

7 Advantages of Trademark Registration

A trademark is a unique mark or sign that represents a business, and it is used to distinctively identify a company from another and build its credibility among consumers.

Le Intelligensia Trademark Registration

What is a trademark? Trademark is a design, sign or word which specify the product and services and recognition of the ownership of the brand. High-level or experienced business requires a trademark registration for identifying their products and services. Trademark registration is essential because a lot of experienced organisation had lost that they did not […]

trademark registration in Bangalore

Trademark Registration means to protect a product and services, or symbol and logo for the company. A large business specialises in all types of products or services and ranking No.1 company in the society, But, the company brand name or logo doesn’t apply for trademark registration means, it will have to face a lot of […]

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